Office Location:
111 Wilbraham Road Springfield, MA
Office Phone:

Springfield Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc.
Established in 1978 as 501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation originally name Upper Hill Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. later renamed Springfield Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. (Springfield NHS).
Community Development Corporation (CDC) provide programs, services, and activities that promote and support community development. As a CDC Springfield NHS's focus has been in economic development, education, community organizing and real estate development.
Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI). CDFI's are private-sector, financial organizations with community development as their main goal. In addition as a financial institution CDFI's provide credit and financial services to underserved markets and populations.
Our Mission
Transform families and revitalize distressed neighborhoods through sustainable HomeOwnership, and resident empowerment.

A generation of Building DREAMS, because we Care...

Our Vision
Is for HomeOwership in Western Massachusetts to be a an affordable CHOICE, especially for Blacks, Latinos and minority people of color allowing the communities we serve to grow in knowledge and wealth, empowering our future residents, community leaders and business owners.